If you find that, let me know and I will add it back. Charles McNeal is an alto and tenor man and his web site offers jazz transcriptions which can be. 1862 letter, which both Accessible Archives's and Cole's transcriptions of the. Jazzwise, the UKs biggest selling jazz monthly and the leading English language jazz magazine in Europe, has changed the way jazz magazines look and think. Take $2 off your order over $10 by using the coupon code: BIRD LIVES If you make an order of $50, take $10 off with the code Big Fun With this site, if I have edited a solo that has been previously purchased, the solo still shows in your account, but the download link will be missing. The first mention of Keckley in the paper seems to be in Henry McNeal.
Make sure that you do not send it to my Gmail account as it is full and I will not get it. To access all of your solos, click on the My Account button. If you would like a new solo, please send me a mp3 with the artist, tune and album information. You download solos from your account as soon as you pay. The fewer the words will give you more results. Till the sun peels the paint and the seat covers fade and the water moccasin dies'. 'We're going all the way 'till the wheels fall off and burn. Sax-Shed: a real gold-mine for all sax players, with many pages devoted to practicing and a section containing many transcriptions.
Solos are done on the original instrument and key unless noted. Charles, thanks very much for sharing your transcriptions and you sound great as well. Solo Transcriptions (Free) Charles McNeal: with over 200 high-quality and good-looking solos in PDF format, this is arguably the first place to visit when looking for sax transcriptions.

Using the solo lists by artist or tunes will let you know what solos that I have done quickly. In addition to being a world class saxophonist my website '' is the 1 source for jazz saxophone transcriptions and related educational resources on the web.Read what's being said about this Las Vegas saxophonist.When I walked into Pearl's, the piece 'Brujo' was in full swing. Thank you to Tom Sabin for sending in a new transcription on a Jason Marshall Solo This one is on Never Stop Loving You from Jason’s recent release, New Beginnings. I have been transcribing solos for 25 years for people around the world.