#Mudlet wikipedia full
Its a great program and coupled with aliases can match your speed to anyone playing on a full computer. My > looking button used to be a fabulous blue and yellow stripped 3 layer jobby, but suffered the fate of me not saving the xml before Blowtorch went wonky. You can also layer buttons if you're feeling artistic. Its happened enough now that deleting, reinstalling, and getting the settings reloaded takes me about 2 mins. First time this happened I lost all my work as I deleted all the copies from my computer and email because my password was stored in it and I didn't want to risk it being misused. About once a month something crashes it and the only way to get it to open again is to delete the program, and import the. The downside to using Blowtorch is that it is a bit unstable.

loadset default) set to every button's secondary flip feature so no matter what set I'm in, I can go back to the default buttons easy and fast.

But after that it was much easier to just C&P the set, make a few changes in names, and then just program them as I have time. It probably took me an hour to write the default button set. I did all that with a piece of paper to add the 48s, and a lot of attention to detail. The first set of buttons I didn't edit in xml. Setting up buttons to a grid is nice, but my button coordinates are set to multiples of 48 instead of 50 to maximize the space. I just use the standard one off the play store. It was too buggy for me likes, and didn't add any features I really needed. I tried the beta, and didn't like it too much. Note #36 by Betta at Wed Mar 30 11:39:40 2016 on board frog 5.1 Talker channels in a separate window.